Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Infinite Unknown


It is always there. It takes on many shapes. Many faces. Many meanings. We cannot escape it. It always seems to find us. It is just as natural, if not normal, if not just as prevailing, as lightness. It exists inside us. It is a feeling. It is a state of being. And it is something that surrounds us. It is the absence of light. It is night.

It is a season. It is winter. It is cold and it is empty. It feels lonely. It can make us sad, or heavy, or tired and defeated. It can make us do things that bring darkness to others. It can hurt us. We can hurt others. And we often do. We do not mean to. We just lose sight of things when we are in darkness. We act and react according to how we feel and what we see.

Or what we are unable to see.

For it is in the moments of brightness and lightness that we are able to see and feel things clearly. We are connected to a sense of goodness. Our needs are being met. We have meaning and abundance and not a care in the world. We do not have to struggle. We have only to snuggle up with how good we feel inside. But it does not last. The darkness returns. We get depleted. We feel defeated. Our sense of self turns inward in search of a way out. But we are lost. And cold and empty and alone.

For in this darkness, we lose ourselves.

And in that loss, we find ourselves doing things that we might not normally do.

It is something to be mindful of. It does not need to be a dictated destiny for our time with the darkness. We do not need to bring more darkness to others, or to ourselves. We need only take the time with the darkness that has been given to us, to use it for what it is intended. To rest. To reflect. To reset. It is in our best interest if we simply accept it and allow it, for the time that we are with it.

To relax, and to rejuvenate.

The wintertime can be a dark time for many of us. We do not see much of the sun. We feel tired and uninspired. We feel a little more disconnected, from our source and from each other. Some of us might be getting out less. The world might be a little less busy. With less people to see. And it can be isolating and bleak feeling. For days and weeks and even months on end.

But slowly, bit by bit, the light does return.

So take the time while you have this time, to pause that otherwise hectic lifestyle, and plan for some special self-care. Maybe it’s an afternoon nap or snooze. Even twenty minutes can help the heavy spirits feel a little more refreshed. Drink a warm beverage. Watch a heart warming show or read an enlightening story or book. There are literally endless glimpses of light that we can light upon to lighten our days, as well as our nights.

Go for a walk if you can.

See your surroundings. Maybe your neighbourhood. Quite likely your neighbours. We are all community. And with community, we have connection. Make eye contact. Say hello. Smile a little. Sometimes a simple smile can change the course of the world. Talk about the weather, whether or not you want to. It doesn’t have to be anything super meaningful, to have meaning and maybe even a lasting memory. There is magic in our moments, every day. See the simple things. A bird. A squirrel. The shape of a tree. Notice the sky. Be aware that as you walk, your eyes are always fixed on the ground. But the ground is where our limits lay. Even if they are grounding. Turn your eye instead to the sky, where infinite possibilities fly. Don’t ask why. All you have to do is try.

And sigh.

Take a deep breath. Remember to breathe. Just breathe. Take a deep one in, hold it for half a second, and let it out. Close your eyes. Be in a safe space. Now take another deep breath in, and imagine you are reclaiming your spirit, your love and your power… Then release it slowly. Imagine you are letting go of your stress, your worry, and everything that hurts and defeats you. 

Breathe. Rinse. Repeat.

Do this often, throughout your day. Stop whatever it is you are doing, and turn your mind off. Let the world around you filter in. Feel the blankness inside your skull. Let your vibration rise and float higher above you, with increasing awareness of your world in this moment. Find the gratitude for being you, the way that you are, and for being alive. Let your heart fill with warmth and love. You have made it this far. Your life is all that it is and has ever been, only up to now; this moment in time. It is amazing. It is part of everything else that has come here too.

You are never alone.

We can so easily get caught up and lost in ideas and expectations of what life should be. And when it doesn’t meet those ideas and expectations, we get disappointed. And sad. We feel at a loss and we feel stressed. We worry. We feel we need to do more. But all we really need to do is trust. Life will come to us if we sit back and let it. It is very much as we are. It loves to feel trusted. And it will nourish us when we show it that we believe in it.

So do not fear the darkness. There is peace to be found there. It is where we sleep and dream. And where our dreams come true.

For anything is possible, in our faith of the infinite unknown.

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